Sharing is Caring..
.. Refer a Friend
Get Paid to Like, Share, Follow, Surf..
earn money from simple social sharing tasks on facebook, twitter, youtube and more

Earn money doing social networking and affiliate marketing tasks.

You get coins by ★ Liking, sharing, following on facebook ★ Casting Google +1 vote
★ Following, tweeting, liking on twitter ★ Sharing messages on Linkedin, vkontakte, ok ★ Visiting websites ★ Watching Youtube, vimeo, dailymotion videos ★ Promoting photos, videos, posts, websites on Social Media ★ Saving links on Social Bookmarking websites ★ Completing high paying micro jobs.
★ You can maximize earning by referring users and reselling Coin Packs, Service Packs or Special Features
★Shareyt Coins can be exchanged for USD through Paypal, Payza, SKRILL, Nagad and bKash... ★

Many bookmarking service providers and SEO agencies utilize Shareyt to serve their clients.
And there are lot more opportunities to earn money from Shareyt.. more than you can imagine!

Exchange Rate for March 2025 || 1000 coins = $1

Read The Rules

★ Minimum cashout 1,000 coins ★
★ Absolutely No self referral. Its a know! ★
★ Report back in the Comment Box when your payment request has been answered ★
★ Payments are sent on Friday-Saturday. Be patient we need to go through each request one by one ★
★ We check your social media profiles to assure quality ★
Make sure your social media profiles have unique profile picture, bio information, connections and activity.

Latest 7 Cashouts

RogeShila09 received $2.41 on 2024-05-08 03:35:55
RogeShila08 received $9.72 on 2024-05-08 03:33:00
RogeShila04 received $9.5 on 2024-05-08 03:22:15
sanu0179 received $1 on 2024-04-16 16:16:02
almamun3651 received $1.81 on 2024-04-07 07:05:53
simun50 received $2.79 on 2024-04-07 07:04:34
almamun75 received $1.12 on 2024-04-07 07:02:59

Top 10 Earners of The Day

Richardpam completed total 0 jobs today!
Sstayers completed total 0 jobs today!
mcr completed total 0 jobs today!
dirkritter69 completed total 0 jobs today!
Holger2Mayer completed total 0 jobs today!
oruchu completed total 0 jobs today!
zappen13 completed total 0 jobs today!
inamon completed total 0 jobs today!
arching completed total 0 jobs today!
iamadmin completed total 0 jobs today!

Latest earnings from Microjobs

admin got 100 coins completing microjob!
1 got 0 coins completing microjob!
got 0 coins completing microjob!
got 0 coins completing microjob!
bookmarkingbee got 500 coins completing microjob!
got 0 coins completing microjob!
got 0 coins completing microjob!

Latest earnings from Referral Sales

saeedahoque just got 7642 coins referring an advertiser who purchased Shareyt Specials!
saeedahoque just got 7642 coins referring an advertiser who purchased Shareyt Specials!
sonaje just got 6990 coins referring an advertiser who purchased Shareyt Specials!
sonaje just got 14190 coins referring an advertiser who purchased Shareyt Specials!
saeedahoque just got 10192 coins referring an advertiser who purchased Shareyt Specials!

Speak English so users from all countries can participate
Dont spam. Dont post referral or other promotional links
Be respectful to each other. Check your comments before posting.
Anyone found abusing the comment box will be banned (and IP blocked) without prior notice.
Old commentboxes are found here and here
Shareyt is absolutely free. We do not ask for signup money.
For payment related issues (friday only): 01767891501, 01838111926, 01965865870
Signup and win 10 ad credits!


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