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How Shareyt Works

We all enjoy being in the limelight. Websites need traffic, businesses need prestige, individuals need followers, bloggers need audience. There are many ways social media users entice visitors in liking or following their content. While having great content is the prerequisite for passive social media growth, social media people often used content lockers, contests and giveaways to grow audience base fast. In many cases, advertisers buy likes, followers or bookmarks and so often they get scammed with so-called real (real-looking software generated) likes and followers. To put an end to such worries and revolutionize social media marketing ideas Shareyt was born…

We give them more reasons to like, follow, watch or share your content

Here at Shareyt, users get credits whenever they like, follow, watch or share something. Later they can use that credit to promote their own content. As a result thousands of like-minded social media users have joined the chain to help each other by promoting each other. This is how, without spending a penny users can easily get thousands of likes, followers and bookmarks simply by participating in our network. On the other hand, when time matters, advertisers can simply buy ad credits to automate everything. And this isn’t the only motif that drives the system! Advertisers also have an option to offer small cash incentives to users for liking or following.


 Set your campaign  Buy coins or Earn them    See wonders!


Sign up/ Login    Earn Coins   Convert into Cash

You earn coins when you Like, Share, Surf, Watch, Follow others' campaigns
You spend coins when others Like, Share, Surf, Watch, Follow your campaigns
Shareyt users can also convert the coins they earn into real money

Watch this demo to find out how it works inside Shareyt

How to earn money from Shareyt - by James (randomly taken from internet)

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