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Youtube High Retention Views

Get real youtube views

Watch youtube videos published by fellow users and get your video watched in return! We have intrigue mechanism to ensure your videos are watched by real people. You don't need cold calling, emailing, sharing everywhere, you don't need to request friends and family and colleagues to watch and promote your videos anymore. In our youtube view exchange system, there are over 200,000 registered users willing to watch your YouTube videos, like them or subscribe your channel.
Join this huge community, watch, like, subscribe fellow youtubers to earn free credits, in return get thousands of real, authentic YouTube views free of cost. Try now Start receiving views in seconds. Make your channel a YouTube hit!

Safe, natural, real views by real people

Shareyt is not about software generated or bot views. Whats more, we do not embed your video on other websites, rather your video is watched on For your privacy we do not share source of traffic. We filter out bot and software or proxy generated views. This ensures your video gets real exposure, channel grows with time and your content receives likes and social shares. Our views are safe and authentic, however, we still recommend to pause adsense ads on your channel if you use youtube view exchange system to drive traffic. And you can even target audience by geo-location, control how fast you want the views to come.

Want youtube views faster? We have video marketing packages

At times, you may need views faster, say you want to occupy the top position in your niche or become featured as trending. You may want to create a buzz or go viral. And when it comes to numbers, Youtube Videos with a higher number of views rank higher in YouTube's search result and are more likely to get more views naturally. You can always get free youtube views by watching, liking, sharing fellow users content, for those who want more there are Shareyt credit packs. For outsourcers, we also have guaranteed Youtube video marketing packages

How to get youtube views free utilizing Shareyt?

Start receiving youtube views in 3 simple steps.
1. Signup and add your video. Set your desired pace, target audience and total number of views you want
2. Like, follow, watch other users' stuff to collect coins (shareyt credits)
3. There are thousands of users, who will return you the favor
The whole thing is so amazingly simple and smooth, you won't believe unless you give it a go!

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funny cats

Got 1418 views today
Lil Bez Ready 4

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Nigeria Website

Got 82 views today
Neobux hacker

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Bikini Babes!

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Mens Hair Repla

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Great real esta

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Watch my videos

Got 283 views today

Got 238 views today
Disco mix 2012

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want to buy youtube views?

Why Youtube Marketing best with

No bot views. No proxy views! All views are generated right on youtube
Choose whether you want to show your video for few seconds like a triler or want full length views.
Real views by real opt-in audience. Great for likes, interactions and video ranking. Shareyt offers free youtube marketing as well as paid packages, something for everybody
Real traffic, worldwide audience, video is shown no more than once to the same person a day, making sure your video is seen my unique viewers mostly
We dont ask for password, api access, dont force anybody to watch, if users dont find interest in your video they can skip. Set your daily limit, total limit. You have total control over your audience.
Avoid software generated, bot views. Save time and money wuth Shareyt.
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